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This demonstrates the procedure to avoid recompiling models and MCMC algorithms, when experimenting with multiple MCMC algorithms for the same model. It attempts to be general in terms of models and use cases.

There is, however, a lack of generality for the case when the model contains no continuous-valued nodes. We assume that there’s at least one continuous-valued node in the model.


Assume a user has created a model already. In fact, they’ve also already created an MCMC for it, and compiled both the model and the MCMC algorithm.

## contains both discrete and continuous nodes
code <- nimbleCode({
    a ~ dbern(0.5)
    b ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    c ~ dnorm(b, 1)

Rmodel_user <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(a=0, b=0, c=0))

conf_user <- configureMCMC(Rmodel_user)
## [1] posterior_predictive sampler: a
## [2] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm sampler: b
## [3] posterior_predictive sampler: c
Rmcmc_user <- buildMCMC(conf_user)

Cmodel_user <- compileNimble(Rmodel_user)

Cmcmc_user <- compileNimble(Rmcmc_user, project = Rmodel_user)

Now, the user wants to use some experiemental MCMC algorithm on their model. They will provide their model object (either Rmodel_user or Cmodel_user) as an input to the algorithm. We don’t know which they’ll provide, but we’ll handle both cases.

Let’s say they choose to provide the compiled model as input, Cmodel_user.

model_input <- Cmodel_user

The following are all the steps to create and use multiple MCMC algorithms.


One-time steps


Recover the Rmodel object

If they provided the compiled (C) model object, then we recover the uncompiled (R) object:

if(inherits(model_input, 'CmodelBaseClass')) 
    model_input <- model_input$Rmodel

## model_input is now an uncompiled model object
inherits(model_input, 'RmodelBaseClass')
## [1] TRUE


Create a new copy of the model

Replicate the model. This will be for use in the experimental algorithm.

Rmodel <- model_input$newModel(replicate = TRUE, check = FALSE) 


Create an initial MCMC configuration

Create an initial configuration object. We’ll need this later.

Also add monitors for all stochastic nodes.

conf_initial <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)

monitorsVector <- Rmodel$getNodeNames(stochOnly = TRUE, includeData = FALSE)
conf_initial$addMonitors(monitorsVector, print = FALSE)

## [1] "a" "b" "c"


Add samplers to the initial MCMC configuration

This is important. You need to add one of each sampler that you will wish to use, anytime later during the course of the experimental algorithm, to the initial configuartion. So you must know all the different types of samplers you might wish to use. One of each will be added to the initial configuration object.

You’ll have to be careful here about adding samplers to the appropriate type of node (e.g., continuous, discrete). That’s why things can fall apart a little bit if there are no continuous nodes, since RW and RW_block samplers can only operate on continuous nodes.

For the purpose of adding those types of samplers, we’ll make sure to extract the name of a continuous-valued node.

scalarNodeVector <- Rmodel$getNodeNames(stochOnly=TRUE, includeData=FALSE, returnScalarComponents=TRUE)
discreteInd <- sapply(scalarNodeVector, function(n) Rmodel$isDiscrete(n), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
scalarNodeVectorContinuous <<- scalarNodeVector[!discreteInd]
## [1] "b" "c"

We’ll add the RW and RW_block samplers to the first scalar-valued node.

This part will break if there are no continuous-valued nodes.

firstScalarNode <- scalarNodeVectorContinuous[1]
## [1] "b"


Add one of each sampler we might use (anytime later)

You’ll need to have a list of all the types of samplers that you might want to use, anytime later in the experimental algorithm.

We’ll add one of each to the initial configuration object.

Also, leave in all the samplers already in the initial configuration, since that will include everything in the default configuration object. Most importantly, this will include any conjugate samplers.

## [1] posterior_predictive sampler: a
## [2] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm sampler: b
## [3] posterior_predictive sampler: c
samplersWeMightUse <- c('RW', 'slice', 'RW_block') 

for(sampler in samplersWeMightUse) 
    conf_initial$addSampler(target = firstScalarNode, type = sampler) 
## Note: Assigning an RW_block sampler to nodes with very different scales can result in low MCMC efficiency.  If all nodes assigned to RW_block are not on a similar scale, we recommend providing an informed value for the "propCov" control list argument, or using the AFSS sampler instead.
## [1] posterior_predictive sampler: a
## [2] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm sampler: b
## [3] posterior_predictive sampler: c
## [4] RW sampler: b
## [5] slice sampler: b
## [6] RW_block sampler: b


Build and compile the model and initial MCMC

Now we have to compile both our version of the model, and the initial MCMC algorithm.

These compilations must take place, but only once. This is a “one-time” step at the beginning of the experimental algorithm.

Rmcmc_initial <- buildMCMC(conf_initial) 

Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel) 
Cmcmc_initial <- compileNimble(Rmcmc_initial, project = Rmodel) 


Steps to repeat for each new MCMC

Now, we can create and run new MCMC algorithms for the same model, without a lengthy compilation. There will be a call to compileNimble(), but it will be fast, and reuse existing C++ code already created, so it only has to instantiate and populate C++ objects. It’s very quick.

We’ll also be careful to start our version of the (compiled) model at the same initial values every time, just so every MCMC algorithm begins at the same initial values.


Step 1: Set values in Cmodel back to initial values

nimCopy(from = model_input, to = Cmodel, logProb = TRUE) 
## [1] -2.531024


Step 2: Create a new configuration object, add any samplers

This step is critical. Notice we’ll use the argument configureMCMC(oldConf = ...). That’s the key.

## create a new configuration from the initial confuration (important!)
conf_new <- configureMCMC(oldConf = conf_initial) 

## remove all samplers

Now add whatever samplers out experimental algorithms dictates.

These must be a subset of the types of samplers already compiled.

Say we want all slice samplers the first time.

nodes <- c('a', 'b', 'c') 

for(node in nodes) 
    conf_new$addSampler(target = node, type = 'slice') 

## [1] slice sampler: a
## [2] slice sampler: b
## [3] slice sampler: c


Step 3: Build, compile and run the new MCMC

Rmcmc_new <- buildMCMC(conf_new) 

Cmcmc_new <- compileNimble(Rmcmc_new, project = Rmodel) 

Cmcmc_new$run(1000, progressBar = FALSE)
samples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc_new$mvSamples)


One more time

Let’s do one more “iteration” of our experimental algorithm.

This time, all the repeated steps will be together, and we’ll add one RW_block sampler instead of three slice samplers.

## reset values in Cmodel to initial values
nimCopy(from = model_input, to = Cmodel, logProb = TRUE) 
## [1] -2.531024
## create a new configuration from the initial configuration (important!)
conf_new <- configureMCMC(oldConf = conf_initial)

## remove all samplers

## this time we only want a RW_block sampler on 'b' and 'c'
conf_new$addSampler(target = c('b', 'c'), type = 'RW_block') 
## Note: Assigning an RW_block sampler to nodes with very different scales can result in low MCMC efficiency.  If all nodes assigned to RW_block are not on a similar scale, we recommend providing an informed value for the "propCov" control list argument, or using the AFSS sampler instead.
## [1] RW_block sampler: b, c
## build, compile, and run
Rmcmc_new <- buildMCMC(conf_new) 
Cmcmc_new <- compileNimble(Rmcmc_new, project = Rmodel) 
## compiling... this may take a minute. Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compiler details.
## compilation finished.
Cmcmc_new$run(1000, progressBar = FALSE)
## extract samples for analysis
samples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc_new$mvSamples)


Make sense?

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