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Here, we demonstrate how to calculate and record the sum of the (unnormalized) model posterior log-density, on every iteration of an MCMC.

We do this by writing an MCMC sampler which queries the model to find all stochastic nodes, then on every MCMC iteration, stores the current sum-posterior-log-density of all stochastic model nodes into a specified node. In the example below, that model node is called logDens.

Since samplers can only be assigned to stochastic nodes, we have to provide a (stochastic) prior distribution for the logDens model node. This prior distribution will never be used. As a result, in addition to assigning our custom-written sampler to the logDens node, we also have to remove the default sampler assigned to logDens. An upshot, however, is that an MCMC monitor is assigned (by default) to logDens.

Example below.



sumLogPostDens <- nimbleFunction(
    name = 'sumLogPostDens',
    contains = sampler_BASE,
    setup = function(model, mvSaved, target, control) {
        stochNodes <- setdiff(model$getNodeNames(stochOnly = TRUE), target)
    run = function() {
        model[[target]] <<- model$getLogProb(stochNodes)
    methods = list( reset = function() {} )

code <- nimbleCode({
    a ~ dnorm(0, sd = 1)
    b ~ dnorm(0, sd = 2)
    y ~ dnorm(a + b, sd = 3)
    logDens ~ dnorm(0, 1)    ## this distribution does not matter
constants <- list()
data <- list(y = 3)
inits <- list(a = 0, b = 1)

Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)

conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = FALSE)
conf$removeSamplers('logDens')   ## remove sampler assigned to 'logDens'
conf$addSampler(target = 'logDens', type = 'sumLogPostDens')   ## add our custom sampler
## [1] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_additive sampler: a
## [2] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_additive sampler: b
## [3] sumLogPostDens sampler: logDens
Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)

samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, 10)

## demonstrate numerically that these logDens calculations are correct:

a <- samples[, 'a']
b <- samples[, 'b']
y <- data$y
    dnorm(a,0,1,log=TRUE) + dnorm(b,0,2,log=TRUE) + dnorm(y,a+b,3,log=TRUE),
    samples[, 'logDens']
##            [,1]      [,2]
##  [1,] -5.810635 -5.810635
##  [2,] -5.468765 -5.468765
##  [3,] -6.512496 -6.512496
##  [4,] -4.885807 -4.885807
##  [5,] -7.953185 -7.953185
##  [6,] -5.886236 -5.886236
##  [7,] -4.921131 -4.921131
##  [8,] -4.965511 -4.965511
##  [9,] -5.399814 -5.399814
## [10,] -5.769372 -5.769372