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This will demonstrate how to toggle MCMC samplers on/off. It’s a fairly custom approach, not really intended for mainstream use, but the techniques could be refined. In any case, it should get you going.

I would be happy to be kept in the loop regarding this research, and possibly continue to support the NIMBLE/MCMC side as an active contributor.


Load NIMBLE library.


You’ll need this sampler definition.

It will generate a warning when you define it. You can thank Chris for that ;)

sampler_toggle <- nimbleFunction(
    contains = sampler_BASE,
    setup = function(model, mvSaved, target, control) {
        type <- control$type
        nested_sampler_name <- paste0('sampler_', type)
        control_new <- nimbleOptions('MCMCcontrolDefaultList')
        control_new[[names(control)]] <- control
        nested_sampler_list <- nimbleFunctionList(sampler_BASE)
        nested_sampler_list[[1]] <-, list(model, mvSaved, target, control_new))
        toggle <- 1
    run = function() {
        if(toggle == 1)
    methods = list(
        reset = function()
## Warning in nf_checkDSLcode(code): For this nimbleFunction to compile, these
## functions must be defined as nimbleFunctions or nimbleFunction methods:
## reset.

Setting up the model and MCMC

This next section only needs to be done once. There are several important specifics here, and generally all steps must be done, in order.

The model is a simplification of yours, but it should work fine adding additional layers above y.censored and X.

code <- nimbleCode({ 
    ##q[1:N,1:N]  ~ dwish(R = aq[1:N,1:N], df = bq)
    ##Q[1:N,1:N] <- inverse(q[1:N,1:N])
    ##X.mod[1:N] ~ dmnorm(muf[1:N],prec = pf[1:N,1:N])
    ## add process error
    X[1:N]  ~ dmnorm(X.mod[1:N],prec = q[1:N,1:N])
    ## Analysis
    y.censored[1:N] ~ dmnorm(X[1:N], prec = r[1:N,1:N]) 
    for(i in 1:N){
        y.ind[i] ~ dconstraint(y.censored[i] > 0)

N <- 5   ## works with other values of N

constants <- list(N=N, X.mod=rep(10,N), q=diag(N), r=diag(N))

## the values of y.ind and y.censored are just placeholders...
## BUT, important, y.censored *must* be specified as data at this point.
## it's a long story why, has to do with the initializeModel routine
## at the beginning of MCMC execution
data <- list(y.ind=rep(1,N), y.censored=rep(10,N))  

inits <- list(X=rep(10,N))

Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
## Adding X.mod,q,r as data for building model.
conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print=TRUE)
## [1] conjugate_dmnorm_dmnorm sampler: X[1:5]
## important!
## this is needed for correct indexing later
samplerNumberOffset <- length(conf$getSamplers())

for(i in 1:N) {
    node <- paste0('y.censored[',i,']')
    conf$addSampler(node, 'toggle', control=list(type='RW'))
    ## could instead use slice samplers, or any combination thereof, e.g.:
    ##conf$addSampler(node, 'toggle', control=list(type='slice'))

## [1] conjugate_dmnorm_dmnorm sampler: X[1:5]
## [2] toggle sampler: y.censored[1],  type: RW
## [3] toggle sampler: y.censored[2],  type: RW
## [4] toggle sampler: y.censored[3],  type: RW
## [5] toggle sampler: y.censored[4],  type: RW
## [6] toggle sampler: y.censored[5],  type: RW
## thin = 1: X
## can monitor y.censored, if you wish, to verify correct behaviour
## thin = 1: X, y.censored
Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)

Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)

Repeated steps with new datasets

The steps hereafter can be repeated with new datasets (as demonstrated)


New Dataset 1

Mix of data and non-data.

y.ind <- c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0)

## important!
## change: rather than providing NA for the non-data values (those to be sampled),
## you'll have to provide some values here.
## that's because we effectively disabled the model initialization routine earlier
y.censored <- c(9, 9, 11, 20, 20)

Cmodel$y.ind <- y.ind
Cmodel$y.censored <- y.censored

for(i in 1:N) {
    ## ironically, here we have to "toggle" the value of y.ind[i]
    ## this specifies that when y.ind[i] = 1,
    ## indicator variable is set to 0, which specifies *not* to sample
    valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(Cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[samplerNumberOffset+i]], 'toggle', 1-y.ind[i])

niter <- 1000
samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter, progressBar=FALSE)
## running chain 1...
##           X[1]     X[2]     X[3]     X[4]     X[5] y.censored[1]
## [1,] 10.393044 9.269318 11.44031 15.89974 15.29320             9
## [2,]  9.291601 9.495922 12.20035 14.76997 13.97073             9
## [3,]  9.288423 9.209018 10.67835 13.02551 14.69906             9
## [4,]  9.766859 9.594283 11.06865 12.99705 14.63496             9
## [5,]  9.161897 9.795529 11.46073 12.96475 13.81760             9
## [6,]  9.206555 9.221195 10.45806 13.78836 13.39459             9
##      y.censored[2] y.censored[3] y.censored[4] y.censored[5]
## [1,]             9            11      18.46005      19.07143
## [2,]             9            11      17.31239      18.78197
## [3,]             9            11      16.07485      18.55770
## [4,]             9            11      16.07485      17.08695
## [5,]             9            11      16.02105      15.70989
## [6,]             9            11      15.85653      15.45653
##              X[1]      X[2]      X[3]      X[4]      X[5] y.censored[1]
## [995,]   9.140770 10.012700 10.816557  8.565837  9.749762             9
## [996,]  10.680715  8.858806  9.891825  9.818678 10.221955             9
## [997,]   9.342837 10.067078 10.584596  8.954470 11.456985             9
## [998,]  10.109610  9.518324  9.783697  8.952032  9.452207             9
## [999,]  10.294098 11.135964  9.750794 10.530146 10.559196             9
## [1000,] 10.150436 10.261331 10.312753  9.534064 10.413439             9
##         y.censored[2] y.censored[3] y.censored[4] y.censored[5]
## [995,]              9            11      7.474586      10.79963
## [996,]              9            11      7.474586      10.79963
## [997,]              9            11      7.474586      10.80651
## [998,]              9            11      7.474586      10.80651
## [999,]              9            11      7.474586      10.80651
## [1000,]             9            11      7.658921      10.80651


New Dataset 2

Everything is data.

y.ind <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)   ## everything is data

y.censored <- c(9, 9, 11, 11, 12)
Cmodel$y.ind <- y.ind 
Cmodel$y.censored <- y.censored
for(i in 1:N) {
    valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(Cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[samplerNumberOffset+i]], 'toggle', 1-y.ind[i])

niter <- 1000 
samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter, progressBar=FALSE)
## running chain 1...
##           X[1]      X[2]      X[3]      X[4]     X[5] y.censored[1]
## [1,] 10.393044  9.269318 11.440310 11.399743 11.29320             9
## [2,]  8.411091  8.843404 10.291601 10.495922 12.70035             9
## [3,] 10.039942  8.935015  9.688484 10.295320 10.78842             9
## [4,]  9.209018  9.678349  9.869317 10.808075 10.12493             9
## [5,]  9.341419  9.766859 10.594283 11.068648 10.95962             9
## [6,]  9.856105 10.267755 10.011422  9.591651 11.03304             9
##      y.censored[2] y.censored[3] y.censored[4] y.censored[5]
## [1,]             9            11            11            12
## [2,]             9            11            11            12
## [3,]             9            11            11            12
## [4,]             9            11            11            12
## [5,]             9            11            11            12
## [6,]             9            11            11            12
##              X[1]      X[2]      X[3]      X[4]     X[5] y.censored[1]
## [995,]   8.999090  9.868799  9.927915  9.973051 10.10205             9
## [996,]   8.657415  9.527744 11.268144 10.624727 10.57735             9
## [997,]  10.641860  8.836730 10.513638 10.610404 11.63634             9
## [998,]   9.608817  8.616277  9.820056  9.819228 10.14049             9
## [999,]   9.858187 10.723524 10.635293  8.844648 10.57828             9
## [1000,] 10.817599 11.029022 11.331527 10.937754 11.00598             9
##         y.censored[2] y.censored[3] y.censored[4] y.censored[5]
## [995,]              9            11            11            12
## [996,]              9            11            11            12
## [997,]              9            11            11            12
## [998,]              9            11            11            12
## [999,]              9            11            11            12
## [1000,]             9            11            11            12


New Dataset 3

Nothing is data.

y.ind <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)   ## nothing is data

## again, you'll have to provide actual numeric (initial) values
## for the nodes that will be sampled:
y.censored <- c(20, 20, 20, 20, 20)

Cmodel$y.ind <- y.ind
Cmodel$y.censored <- y.censored

for(i in 1:N) {
    valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(Cmcmc$samplerFunctions[[samplerNumberOffset+i]], 'toggle', 1-y.ind[i])

niter <- 1000
samples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, niter, progressBar=FALSE)
## running chain 1...
##          X[1]     X[2]     X[3]     X[4]     X[5] y.censored[1]
## [1,] 15.89304 14.76932 15.94031 15.89974 15.29320      18.46005
## [2,] 15.29902 14.81138 14.41336 13.43109 15.79545      18.41512
## [3,] 14.47442 14.62190 15.42129 14.33797 15.24397      18.41512
## [4,] 13.90116 13.33300 15.12746 15.19287 15.31799      17.98560
## [5,] 13.16791 13.03876 13.50780 15.19614 15.20477      17.75827
## [6,] 14.05601 14.22941 14.18549 12.97637 13.69547      17.75827
##      y.censored[2] y.censored[3] y.censored[4] y.censored[5]
## [1,]      19.07143      19.70528      19.99423      20.00000
## [2,]      19.05524      19.70528      18.75669      19.77573
## [3,]      17.58449      19.22713      18.75669      19.23284
## [4,]      17.58449      19.22713      18.75669      19.23284
## [5,]      17.58449      18.61510      19.09781      19.17797
## [6,]      17.54525      18.61510      18.28285      19.42023
##             X[1]      X[2]     X[3]      X[4]      X[5] y.censored[1]
## [995,]  8.522043 10.684843 12.17742  9.298193 10.349728      8.733287
## [996,]  9.100242 11.307015 10.51391 11.102941 10.690697      6.358070
## [997,]  7.150281  9.572054 10.95131 11.090109  9.906660      6.358070
## [998,]  8.959874 11.368493 12.95964 11.229054 11.374903      7.040653
## [999,]  8.923126 10.969560 11.09850  9.453420 11.220409      8.252536
## [1000,] 8.701234 12.654686 11.55302  8.821897  9.974707      8.252536
##         y.censored[2] y.censored[3] y.censored[4] y.censored[5]
## [995,]       11.32094      12.44488      9.590339      10.17209
## [996,]       11.11355      12.44488     10.691195      10.17209
## [997,]       11.11355      14.02627     13.026282      11.82663
## [998,]       12.04485      14.02627     11.401560      13.67533
## [999,]       12.04485      12.52238      7.680039      13.05367
## [1000,]      12.04485      12.52238      7.680039      12.97148

Send along any questions or comments.
