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This demonstrates how to “save” the model state, and internal state of an MCMC algorithm to disk.

Then, R can be restarted, and this saved “state” can be reloaded into a new (structurally identical) model and MCMC algorithm, allowing the original sampling chain to be “resumed” where it left off.


Function Definitions


getStateVariableNames <- function(samplerDef) {
    resetMethod <- body(samplerDef$reset)
    stateVars <- character()
    if(resetMethod[[1]] != '{') stop('something wrong')
    numLines <- length(resetMethod)
    for(i in 1:numLines) {
        if(i == 1) next
        thisLine <- resetMethod[[i]]
        if(thisLine[[1]] == '<<-') {
            LHS <- thisLine[[2]]
            if(! stop('haven\'t dealt with non-name-LHS case yet')
            stateVars <- c(stateVars, as.character(LHS))
        if('my_calcAdaptationFactor' %in% all.names(thisLine)) {
            stateVars <- c(stateVars, 'my_calcAdaptationFactor')
    setupMethod <- body(samplerDef$setup)
    if('empirSamp' %in% all.names(setupMethod)) stateVars <- c(stateVars, 'empirSamp')

getModelState <- function(model) {
    modelVarNames <- model$getVarNames()
    modelVarValuesList <- vector('list', length(modelVarNames))
    names(modelVarValuesList) <- modelVarNames
    for(var in modelVarNames) {
        modelVarValuesList[[var]] <- model[[var]]

getMCMCstate <- function(conf, mcmc) {
    stateVarNamesList <- vector('list', length(conf$samplerConfs))
    mcmcStateValuesList <- vector('list', length(conf$samplerConfs))
    for(i in seq_along(conf$samplerConfs)) {
        samplerDef <- conf$getSamplerDefinition(i)
        theseStateNames <- getStateVariableNames(samplerDef)
        theseStateValuesList <- vector('list', length(theseStateNames))
        names(theseStateValuesList) <- theseStateNames
        for(j in seq_along(theseStateNames)) {
            if( {
                if(theseStateNames[j] == 'my_calcAdaptationFactor') {
                    theseStateValuesList[[j]] <- list(timesAdapted = mcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]][[theseStateNames[j]]]$timesAdapted,
                                                      gamma1 = mcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]][[theseStateNames[j]]]$gamma1)
                } else
                    theseStateValuesList[[j]] <- mcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]][[theseStateNames[j]]]
            if(is.Cnf(mcmc)) {
                if(theseStateNames[j] == 'my_calcAdaptationFactor') {
                    theseStateValuesList[[j]] <- list(timesAdapted = valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$Robject$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$my_calcAdaptationFactor$.CobjectInterface, 'timesAdapted'),
                                                      gamma1 = valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$Robject$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$my_calcAdaptationFactor$.CobjectInterface, 'gamma1'))
                } else
                    theseStateValuesList[[j]] <- valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[i]], theseStateNames[j])
        mcmcStateValuesList[[i]] <- theseStateValuesList

getWAICstate <- function(mcmc) {
    waicStateNames <- c('delta1pWAICmat', 'delta2pWAICmat', 'finalized', 'logProbMat', 'lppdCurSumMat', 'lppdSumMaxMat',
       'mcmcIter', 'meanpWAICmat', 'sspWAICmat')
    waicStateList <- vector('list', length(waicStateNames))
    names(waicStateList) <- waicStateNames
    for(nm in waicStateNames) {
        if( {
            waicStateList[[nm]] <- mcmc$waicFun[[1]][[nm]]
        if(is.Cnf(mcmc)) {
            waicStateList[[nm]] <- valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$waicFun[[1]], nm)

setModelState <- function(model, modelState) {
    modelVarNames <- model$getVarNames()
    if(!identical(sort(modelVarNames), sort(names(modelState)))) stop('saved model variables don\'t agree')
    for(var in modelVarNames) {
        model[[var]] <- modelState[[var]]

setMCMCstate <- function(conf, mcmc, mcmcState) {
    if(length(mcmcState) != length(conf$samplerConfs)) stop('saved mcmc samplers don\'t agree')
    for(i in seq_along(conf$samplerConfs)) {
        theseStateValuesList <- mcmcState[[i]]
        for(j in seq_along(theseStateValuesList)) {
            samplerStateName <- names(theseStateValuesList)[j]
            if( {
                if(samplerStateName == 'my_calcAdaptationFactor') {
                    mcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$my_calcAdaptationFactor$timesAdapted <- theseStateValuesList[[j]]$timesAdapted
                    mcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$my_calcAdaptationFactor$gamma1 <- theseStateValuesList[[j]]$gamma1
                } else {
                    mcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]][[samplerStateName]] <- theseStateValuesList[[samplerStateName]]
            if(is.Cnf(mcmc)) {
                if(samplerStateName == 'my_calcAdaptationFactor') {
                    invisible(valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$Robject$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$my_calcAdaptationFactor$.CobjectInterface, 'timesAdapted', theseStateValuesList[[j]]$timesAdapted))
                    invisible(valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$Robject$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[i]]$my_calcAdaptationFactor$.CobjectInterface, 'gamma1', theseStateValuesList[[j]]$gamma1))
                } else {
                    invisible(valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$samplerFunctions[[i]], samplerStateName, theseStateValuesList[[samplerStateName]]))

setWAICstate <- function(mcmc, waicState) {
    for(nm in names(waicState)) {
        if( {
            mcmc$waicFun[[1]][[nm]] <- waicState[[nm]]
        if(is.Cnf(mcmc)) {
            invisible(valueInCompiledNimbleFunction(mcmc$waicFun[[1]], nm, waicState[[nm]]))


Usage Example




Define a NIMBLE model object, and an MCMC algorithm to operate on it. Optionally, choose to calculate WAIC.

The saving / loading state will work for most any NIMBLE MCMC algorithms, but if you have questions about your use case, then please email Daniel at



code <- nimbleCode({
    for(i in 1:N) {
        x[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    b ~ dbern(0.5)
    c ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    y ~ dnorm(c, 1)
    p ~ dnorm(0, 1)

N <- 8
constants <- list(N = N)
data <- list(y = 0)
inits <- list(x = rep(0, N),
              b = 0,
              c = 0,
              p = 0)

## create model object
Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
## Defining model
## Building model
## Setting data and initial values
## Running calculate on model
##   [Note] Any error reports that follow may simply reflect missing values in model variables.
## Checking model sizes and dimensions
## [1] -10.80147
## configure & build MCMC
conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, enableWAIC = useWAIC)
## ===== Monitors =====
## thin = 1: b, c, p, x
## ===== Samplers =====
## posterior_predictive sampler (10)
##   - x[]  (8 elements)
##   - b
##   - p
## conjugate sampler (1)
##   - c
conf$removeSamplers(c('b', 'x'))
conf$addSampler('b', 'binary')
conf$addSampler('x[1]', 'RW')
conf$addSampler('x[2]', 'slice')
conf$addSampler('x[3:5]', 'RW_block')
##   [Note] Assigning an RW_block sampler to nodes with very different scales can result in low MCMC efficiency.  If all nodes assigned to RW_block are not on a similar scale, we recommend providing an informed value for the "propCov" control list argument, or using the AFSS sampler instead.
conf$addSampler('x[6:8]', 'AF_slice')
## [1] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity sampler: c
## [2] posterior_predictive sampler: p
## [3] binary sampler: b
## [4] RW sampler: x[1]
## [5] slice sampler: x[2]
## [6] RW_block sampler: x[3:5]
## [7] AF_slice sampler: x[6:8]
Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
##   [Note] Reordering posterior_predictive samplers to execute last
## compile
Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
## Compiling
##   [Note] This may take a minute.
##   [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.
Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
## Compiling
##   [Note] This may take a minute.
##   [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.
## execute MCMC for 10000 iterations
## |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## |-------------------------------------------------------|


Now, we’ll “extract” and save the model state, and the internal state of the MCMC.

For saving the MCMC state, you’ll need both the compiled MCMC object (Cmcmc), and also the MCMC configuration object (conf).


stateList <- list(modelState = getModelState(Cmodel),
                  mcmcState = getMCMCstate(conf, Cmcmc))
    stateList[['waicState']] <- getWAICstate(Cmcmc)

fileName <- tempfile()
saveRDS(stateList, file = fileName)


Here, you could restart R.

Now we’ll make new (compiled) model and MCMC objects, then load this previous “state” back into them.


## construct an *identical* model object
Rmodel2 <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
## Defining model
## Building model
## Setting data and initial values
## Running calculate on model
##   [Note] Any error reports that follow may simply reflect missing values in model variables.
## Checking model sizes and dimensions
## construct an *identical* MCMC algorithm
conf2 <- configureMCMC(Rmodel2, enableWAIC = useWAIC)
## ===== Monitors =====
## thin = 1: b, c, p, x
## ===== Samplers =====
## posterior_predictive sampler (10)
##   - x[]  (8 elements)
##   - b
##   - p
## conjugate sampler (1)
##   - c
conf2$removeSamplers(c('b', 'x'))
conf2$addSampler('b', 'binary')
conf2$addSampler('x[1]', 'RW')
conf2$addSampler('x[2]', 'slice')
conf2$addSampler('x[3:5]', 'RW_block')
##   [Note] Assigning an RW_block sampler to nodes with very different scales can result in low MCMC efficiency.  If all nodes assigned to RW_block are not on a similar scale, we recommend providing an informed value for the "propCov" control list argument, or using the AFSS sampler instead.
conf2$addSampler('x[6:8]', 'AF_slice')
## [1] conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_identity sampler: c
## [2] posterior_predictive sampler: p
## [3] binary sampler: b
## [4] RW sampler: x[1]
## [5] slice sampler: x[2]
## [6] RW_block sampler: x[3:5]
## [7] AF_slice sampler: x[6:8]
Rmcmc2 <- buildMCMC(conf2)
##   [Note] Reordering posterior_predictive samplers to execute last
## compile
Cmodel2 <- compileNimble(Rmodel2)
## Compiling
##   [Note] This may take a minute.
##   [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.
Cmcmc2 <- compileNimble(Rmcmc2, project = Rmodel2)
## Compiling
##   [Note] This may take a minute.
##   [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.


Now, we’ll “restore” the previous state into the new model (Cmodel2) and the new MCMC (Cmcmc2).


## load the saved "state" file
stateList <- readRDS(file = fileName)

modelState <- stateList$modelState
mcmcState <- stateList$mcmcState
    waicState <- stateList$waicState

## restore the saved "state" into the new model and new MCMC
setModelState(Cmodel2, modelState)
setMCMCstate(conf2, Cmcmc2, mcmcState)
    setWAICstate(Cmcmc2, waicState)


Finally, now you can “resume” the MCMC run, exactly where it left off.

Important: Make certain to use the argument reset = FALSE, so the MCMC state is not reset to its initial settings for a new, fresh, MCMC run. If calculating WAIC, also set resetWAIC = FALSE.

This option, reset = FALSE, is only available through the mcmc$run(...) invocation of the MCMC algorithm.


## continue MCMC run
Cmcmc2$run(10000, reset = FALSE, resetWAIC = FALSE)
## |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## |-------------------------------------------------------|


That’s it! You did it!